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30 results:
1. Investments  
ChemCologne – Connecting INVESTORS to the RHINELAND CHEMICAL REGION Connecting investors to the Rhineland chemical region We help potential investors from Germany and abroad find a suitable locati  
2. Members & partners  
ChemCologne offers all its members and partners a strong network and a valuable platform for sharing ideas and information on a wide variety of topics.  
3. Infrastructure & logistics  
The perfect location for your infrastructure and logistics needs The ChemCologne region is centrally located in the economic heartland of the European Union, with more than 60 million people living w  
4. Research & development  
A region bursting with brainpower There are numerous top-class institutions for higher education and research in the ChemCologne region. Every year, they train thousands of students, producing a new  
5. Chemical parks & available development space  
The following chemical parks in the ChemCologne region have development space available for potential investors: (copy 3)  
6. Events  
Events Dates for your diary:  
7. Integrated Verbund production  
Integrated Verbund production – the key to optimised performance What makes the German (and the Rhineland’s) chemical industry so successful is its integrated Verbund production approach, particularl  
8. Home  
[Translate to English:] Das Rheinland ist die stärkste Chemie-Region in Europa. Im Kölner Chemiegürtel liegen zahlreiche große Chemiestandorte und Chemieparks mit einer Vielzahl von Anlagen zur Herste  
More about us!  
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