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Connecting Europe’s leading chemical region to a bright future

ChemCologne’s aim is to enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Rhineland chemical region, gear it up for the future and raise its profile among investors in Germany and abroad.

We pursue that aim with the (financial) support of the region’s chemical businesses, the Chemie Rheinland employers’ association, Cologne City Council, other town and district councils, the chambers of industry and commerce in Düsseldorf and Cologne, the Cologne district government, local higher education institutions, the NRW Global Business economic development agency and the IG BCE trade union for the mining, chemicals and energy sectors.

The network for the Rhineland’s chemical industry
With a range of partners and members from the chemical industry, public bodies, research establishments and higher education, combining a wide variety of skills and expertise, ChemCologne is a strong network for the chemical industry in the Rhineland region.